Thursday 30 April 2015

Various Methods to Treat Fungal Nail Infection

Healthy and clean nails are a part of your good personality. But there are some problem related to the nails that can cause to dirty and abnormal nails. Nail fungus is a very common type of nail infection that begins with the yellowish or white spot under the tip of the fingernail or toenail. The nail fungus can cause too many problems, like; discoloring of nails, thicken and crumble edges of the nails. It can effect to several nails usually, but not to all of them if you keep starting to take care of them. Sometimes, it becomes painful also. Most people aged over 55 are affected by this problem. Younger people who share the communal showers can also face this problem with their nails.

You can treat this infection at home itself at the beginning by following some steps, like; keeping your nails short, maintaining the hygiene level and not wearing the footwear that make your feet hot, etc. These self care methods may be effective in some cases, but if the infection is becoming worse day by day, a treatment with the help of some medications is necessary. If you do not take treatment, then the infection can spread to all of your nails. This treatment is not essential in mild conditions.

Here are some popular ways to treat this fungal infection.

  • Antifungal Tablets:
    Antifungal tablets treat your fungal nails by reaching your nails through your bloodstreams. These tablets are very effective. However, you need to take these tablets for 4-5 months to ensure the inflectional has completely gone. If you stop taking these tablets, the infection can return. These tablets can also eliminate other associative fungal infections if you have any at the same time. But taking these tablets can enhance other problems sometimes, like; loss of sense of taste, headache, nausea, etc.

  • Antifungal Nail Paints:
    If you do not like to treat the nail infection with medications, then antifungal nail paints are the best alternate to you. These are also very effective to treat the infection, because of its direct reach to the fungal nail infection. It can take approx 6 months to treat the fungal infection of the fingernails and a toenail can take up to 12 months because it is often difficult to reach on the infection sometimes.

  • Chemical Nail Removal:
    The abnormal and infected nail plates can be removed by using a paste which contains 40% urea. This paste is easily available in medical shops. Just apply the paste carefully on the nails and leave as such overnight. Wash it off in the morning and then repeat this process every night. It may take up to 2 weeks to get removed the infected nail plates.

  • Laser Treatment:
    Fungal nail Laser treatment is also another best possible way to treat the fungal nails. In this treatment the laser emits the high intensity laser beams on affected nails, which are used to destroy the fungal infection. It is highly recommended due to its positive effects within a quick time period. It is widely used by the people throughout the world.

These were some best ways to treat the fungal infection of your nails. As you healthy nails are an important part of your good personality, you should always take care of them.

1 comment:

  1. The nail becomes more susceptible to fungus because the blood supply to the nail can be impaired due to the micro-trauma.MycocideNS Antifungal Treatment Review
